Sound Beginnings

What is Sound Beginnings?


Sound Beginnings is a family style music class for the youngest beginner. Classes are 30 minutes and are for children ages 0-4 years and a caregiver. Classes include age-appropriate introduction to solfege, basic interval staff reading (SOL-MI and SOL-LA-MI songs each semester), percussion instruments, gross motor games and dances, finger plays, musical books, ABC's and ASL hand signs for the alphabet, and puppets. Infant siblings are welcome to attend for a family rate.  

Come try a free sample class and experience it for yourself!

Click here for cost & registration information.


The curriculum is organized into six independent, non-sequential semesters, each with its own unique percussion instrument. You can participate in just one or as many as you'd like. Each semester is four months long and provides experience with different important music and preschool concepts and skills through different songs and games. These classes for babies, toddlers and preschoolers include singing, movement, games, stories, and fun activities.

Click here for cost & registration information

ba06ab1b110b7b7f7b1abc1b314ae91f (1).jpgWhat Can I Expect My Child to Gain from 

Sound Beginnings?

Sound Beginnings is education through musical play! By providing a solid music and preschool foundation, Sound Beginnings prepares students for success in Let’s Play Music and Kindergarten. Sound beginnings includes research-based elements that stimulate growth in the areas particularly crucial to the development of the young child. These 7 elements make up the foundation of the Sound Beginnings curriculum:







For further information, click here

Come try a free sample class and experience it for yourself!

Click here for cost & registration information

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